A study in Laterality found that some greater white-fronted geese in flight look sideways more often in the presence of their mates. Researchers claimed that researchers have been underreporting same-sex sexual activity among animals, that Darwin’s frogs mate and lay their eggs while upside down, and that mature Egyptian fruit bats possess a sense of time. Florida carpenter ants selectively amputate their nest mates’ injured limbs. DNA samples extracted from bite marks on surf equipment are being used to identify the shark species responsible for attacks on humans, the ocean was found to be growing too noisy for baby oysters, MIT scientists catalogued the phonetic inventory of sperm whales, and two male lions survived a one-kilometer night swim through hippo- and crocodile-infested waters, likely in search of mates. The royal swan marker reported that the depression of the Thames population, previously noted during the late queen’s reign, continues under the king. UNESCO awarded World Heritage status to the blanket bog of Flow Country. The last stand of Key Largo tree cacti in the United States appeared to have been killed by rising seas. Giant wallabies, who became extinct 10,000 years ago, were unlikely to have been able to hop, and the extinction of the dinosaurs may have contributed to the rise of grapes. Smithsonian scientists proposed cryopreserving a bank of Earth’s biological resources in the shadowed craters of the moon Evidence that an aboriginal healing ritual performed for five hundred generations, in which a mulla-mullung would set alight a casuarina throwing stick covered in human or kangaroo fat and attached to a personal possession of a sick person, was discovered in Cloggs Cave. Denisovans who lived in Baishiya Karst Cave on the Tibetan Plateau ate or otherwise made use of the corpses of the snow leopard, golden eagle, groove-toothed flying squirrel, spotted hyena, wild yak, and woolly rhinoceros. Astronomers argued that the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient Greek hand-powered orrery, defines the year as consisting of 354 days. A labyrinthine Minoan structure was discovered on Crete. A researcher noticed that a Tartessian slate tablet depicting battle scenes also contains a previously unknown alphabet. “There seemed to be a paleo-Hispanic sign,” he said. “A sign that cannot be mistaken for any other.”Researchers proposed that medical professionals working under “neoliberal healthcare conditions” must embody the archetypes of the Medusa, the Siren, and the Witch. Two decades after beginning hypertension medication, an eighty-eight-year-old woman presented with late-onset drug-induced hallucinations that initially featured plants and insects and later incorporated monks, nuns, and priests. Computer scientists hoped to reduce the hallucinations of AI systems involved in critical national infrastructure. The Journal of Pediatric Genetics retracted a study on Islamic beliefs concerning the possible supernatural causes of birth defects on the grounds that the research lacked a scientific basis. More time spent listening to the radio was negatively associated among Senegalese women with the belief that one can get HIV from witchcraft. Living near oil and gas development sites depresses people who are trying to get pregnant. Wildfires near Canadian mines were found to have released unprecedented levels of arsenic, and wildfires in Maui were making residents unhappy. Native Hawaiians age faster than Japanese Hawaiians. The birth of a white buffalo fulfilled a Lakota prophecy portending better times. Percentage change since 2011 in the amount of time U.S. 15–24-year-olds spend doing homework: +35 Percentage change since 2002 in the portion of U.S. high school seniors taking the ACT who received perfect scores: +1,700 Percentage change since 2022 in the portion of U.S. middle school students who use tobacco products: +47, In the portion of U.S. high school students who use nicotine vapes: −29 Percentage of U.S. marijuana users who say they use the drug at least once per day: 35 Portion of U.S. adults who say that regular alcohol use is more harmful than regular marijuana use: 2/3 Number of U.S. weather disasters in the 1980s whose inflation-adjusted damages exceeded $1 billion: 33 Minimum number of such disasters that have occurred since January 2023: 47 Percentage of U.S. adults who say that the country is the best in the world at scientific research: 16, Who say that American democracy sets a good example for other countries: 19 Percentage of Israeli Jews who say that Gazans should have the right to self-governance: 8, Who say that Israel’s use of military force in Gaza has gone too far: 4, Who say that it has not gone far enough: 42 Portion of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank who say that Hamas’s decision to attack Israel on October 7 was “correct”: 2/3 Minimum percentage of Gazans who have lost a family member in the Israel–Hamas war: 60 Chance that a U.S. adult is estranged from a family member: 1 in 5 Portion of U.S. adults over 40 who say their best friend is one of their parents: 1/2 Portion of U.S. adults who have gotten married since 2021 who say they “almost called off their wedding” beforehand: 1/5 Percentage of U.S. Catholic priests ordained in the 1970s who say that masturbation is always a sin: 18 Percentage of those ordained since 2010 who say so: 75 Portion of approved U.S. candidates for ordination this year who were once Boy Scouts: 3/10 Estimated portion of U.S. women aged 15–49 who in 2021 had attempted an abortion without medical supervision: 1/20 Estimated portion who have done so now: 1/14 Percentage of unsupervised abortions in the United States that involve consuming alcohol or another substance: 19, That involve a hit to the stomach: 22 Minimum number of popular tampon brands sold in the United States that contain lead or arsenic: 14 Percentage increase since 2018 in the portion of U.S. women who have a prescription for oral birth control: 40 Percentage decrease since 2020 in the population of children under 5 in New York City: 18 Portion of U.S. counties in which the population of children under 5 has decreased in that time: 2/3 Estimated number of U.S. counties without any foreign-born residents: 15 Percentage by which male immigrants to the United States are less likely to be incarcerated than American-born men: 60, By which immigrants to the United States are more likely than American-born citizens to start businesses: 80 Percentage of U.S. adults who said they were worried about keeping money in banks after Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008: 45, Who say they are worried about doing so now: 48 Percentage by which U.S. adults are more likely to rank the 2020s as the worst economic era in the past century than the 1930s: 39 Factor by which the increase in the average price of a meal at McDonald’s since 2014 has outpaced inflation: 3 Portion of U.S. adults who are very confident in their ability to identify scams before falling for them: 1/5 Percentage of U.S. adults who don’t know what a 401(k) is: 43, Who have an idea they think could one day make them rich: 33, Who “have a feeling in their bones” that they will one day win the lottery: 19